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Best Current Operational Practices

Documented best practices for Engineers by Engineers.

About BCOP

The NABCOP wiki is a community based project, Best Current Operational Practice (BCOP) aimed at collecting the best practices known within the operations community and capturing those practices in a series of documents. These “living documents” are peer reviewed by community technology experts who actually deploy and manage these environments. We believe the best documentation is when it is based on real-world implementations. This is a community project and is open to all to participate and get involved. We welcome your participation and look forward to working together to build better documentation for the entire community. To learn more about what we're doing here and how, including our purpose, philosophy, scope, principles, criteria, and process, read the NANOG-BCOP-DP.

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This grass-roots, bottom-up, for engineers by engineers effort only works because of the involvement of people like you. Please jump in and help out where you can.

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To learn more, visit the following pages
Appeals - List of potential BCOPs, shepherds, and SMEs. Find ideas for new BCOPs.
BCOP Drafts - Recently added BCOPs. Learn about topics currently under review/discussion.
Ratified BCOPs - Published BCOPs. Learn about community accepted BCOPs, and let us know if updates are needed!
BCOP Template - Interested in authoring a BCOP? Get started here (if you need access just ping us.
BCOP Globally - Wondering about BCOP efforts around the world? Check here.